2016/17 season tickets on sale now

Fans now able to purchase their season tickets for the club's upcoming 2016/17 campaign

Season ticket prices for the 2016/17 campaign are now on sale and have been reduced by ten percent across the general areas of the stadium.

Bolton Wanderers are committed to ensuring that a season ticket will always be the cheapest and most affordable way to watch every home game at Macron Stadium throughout the season.

Prices start at just £280 for adults, the equivalent of £12.17 per match, with under-18 season tickets priced at £66 or £2.87 per match.

The early purchase deadline for 2016/17 season tickets is June 12.

The club’s popular interest free direct debit scheme will also remain in place, with supporters able to spread payments at no extra cost up to eleven months.

Dates for your diary
May 16: Eleven month direct debit sign up deadline
June 12: Early purchase and ten month direct debit sign up deadline
June 30: Seat renewal and nine month direct debit sign up deadline

How to buy
Online: Click here
Phone: 0844 871 2932
In person: Visit Bolton Central to discuss your options


All of the above information and further details can also be accessed via the club's digital season ticket brochure.
Click here
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