Bolton Central open from 10am for fans to purchase new home strip
The new Bolton Wanderers replica home strip will be in store and available for purchase at Bolton Central from Thursday 27 June.
Doors to the club’s one-stop shop for all things Wanderers open at 10am with the new home shirt, shorts and sock all available. The club shop will remain open through till 7pm.
The shirt will be priced at £44.99 for adults and £34.99 for children.
Full details of Bolton Central’s opening hours are listed below.
Monday: 9am-5.30pm
Tuesday: 9am-5.30pm
Wednesday: 9am-5.30pm
Thursday: 10am-7pm
Friday: 9am-5.30pm
Saturday: 9am-5.30pm
Sunday: 10am-4pm (and bank holidays)
The shirt is also available to buy online via the club’s online store. This can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.