Bolton Wanderers are supporting the national charity Saving Lives this National HIV Testing Week (NHTW).
National HIV Testing Week (NHTW) is a flagship campaign to promote regular testing for HIV. It aims to reduce the rates of undiagnosed people, and to make sure people get diagnosed early.
There are still over 10,000 people living with HIV in the UK who are unaware they are living with the virus. This means they can’t access today’s life-saving treatment. Saving Lives and their charity ambassadors are working hard to make sure people get tested and get treated.
“Testing is easy and accessible in the UK,” says the charity’s Medical Director, Dr Steve Taylor. “And treatment works! If you’re diagnosed early your life expectancy can be the same as somebody without HIV.”
Experts are saying that, when it comes to getting treatment for HIV, “undetectable equals untransmittable” – in other words, if a person with HIV is on effective treatment, they cannot pass on the virus to others.
It’s big news that we can now prevent people with HIV passing the virus to their loved ones. But it all starts with taking that test!
For more information visit,
To find your local testing centre, visit:
To access the free national postal testing service, go to: